Tuesday, 4 February 2014

BUDGET 2014 - When is the breaking point?

Good evening Regina!!

By now, I am sure you are aware, but if you aren't, the City of Regina, under the guise of Mayor Michael Fougere, announced it's preliminary 2014 City Budget. And, well....it's disgusting. It's atrocious. It's ludicrous. It's ENOUGH.  

It's time for a tax revolt Regina.  

Take the time to review the budget in detail over the next couple of weeks, and submit a request to speak at the February 24, 2014 City Council meeting. What's nice is you don't have to read your speech verbatim anymore. What's not nice is you only have five minutes to speak. BUT, given that, make damned sure you use your five minutes effectively. Also, if you have some friends that aren't afraid of public speaking, perhaps bring them along to share a 10, 15 or 20 minute delegation into a few 5 minute ones, divided amongst yourselves. Is this allowed? You bet your ass it is! One of the negatives that Jimmy Nicol (City Clerk/City Manager/City Governance extraordinaire) tried to keep quiet when City Council was reviewing this dictator-like recommendation from Administration.

I'll be posting far more on this on Saturday, along with another LIVE Video Blog, but for now, please take the time to read up on my budget analysis that I did a month ago. Also, please take the time to read up on how to force a Public Inquiry and Audit into the affairs at City Hall's throughout Saskatchewan. It's about time they are reminded they work for us, not the other way around.

The following quote sums up just how ignorant Michael Fougere, former(?) President of the Saskatchewan Construction Association - current(?) Mayor of Regina - is when it comes to how taxpayers feel about increased taxes. 

“I think taxpayers understand that it costs money to run the city,”- Mayor Michael Fougere

And our Chief Financial Officer's reaction to the tax increase...

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