Friday, 28 February 2014

City of Regina: Transparent No More

Good morning Regina!!

The City of Regina Executive Leadership Team have taken extreme measures to block anyone and everyone who simply has contradictory viewpoints to the Municipal Affairs at City Hall.
The most recent development has gone far beyond the realm of realities and is starting to border on things only heard of in fictional movies. 
Why not give Mr. Taron Cochrane a call to voice your displeasure with his censorship? DIRECT: (306) 777-7926

Recently, the City has been going through some major internal shake-ups, with the resignation of City Clerks, Executives, and Senior Managers, to the questionable appointments/hiring practices of several individuals who have performed quesionably at best. I personally have been banned from attending City Hall since the summer of 2013, even though I have never actually received any formal notification from the City of Regina in this regards. I only became aware of this after catching a glimpse of a "Post Order" that had my name on it. 

It was after that date that I had filed complaints through the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission and Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA). Unfortunately, Jimmy Nicol chose to respond with a letter to the CCLA that was full of fabrications and the CCLA could help no further at that time, unless further developments were presented. After a successful Access to Information Request proved that Jimmy Nicol was indeed fabricating statements made on that letter, I have been biding my time to determine when it was appropriate to file a further complaint on the City's actions. 

Recently, it has come to my attention that the City's newest "yes man", Mr. Taron Cochrane - who was hired/appointed to replace the outgoing Phillippe LeClerc as Interactive Communications Manager - has been censoring posts and blocking people from the City of Regina Facebook page. I found this very ironic, given Mr. Cochrane's stance on my practice of blocking "trolls" during the Election Campaign, where he disagreed strongly that I should have made more of an effort to communicate with these individuals rather than blocking them. It is also important to note that Mr. Cochrane was hired at Regina Regional Opportunities Commission with Melissa Fiacco and Meka Okochi during the election, and had moved on shortly after the election.

As such, I feel I am well within my rights to finally publish some contact information that the City of Regina has worked very hard to keep hidden. This is not confidential information by any means, it is just information that the Executive Leadership Team would rather keep you in the dark about. Anyone who goes through the Service Regina call centre (the way the Executive screen calls) and is successful in speaking with said individuals would have access to their contact information, and anyone who meets with these individuals in person would have access as well.

Here are some direct contact numbers for your information. These are key individuals who are paid by your tax dollars, and feel they shouldn't be contacted directly by you and I, the taxpayers. They continue to have me banned from City Hall, needlessly, while they will not return my phone calls (for absolutely no justifiable reason) and have banned me from communicating with them on their Twitter and Facebook accounts. 

Enough is enough.

MAYOR: Michael Fougere (306) 777-7339 Assistant: Pat (P/T-Rhonda/Amber)
CITY MANAGER: Glen Davies (306) 777-7314 Assistant: Cathy

(Former) Chief Financial Officer & (Current) Chief Operating Officer & Deputy City Manager: Brent Sjoberg (306) 777-7317 Assistant: Natasha
Chief Legislative Officer & City Clerk: Jim Nicol (306) 777- 7609 Cell: (306) 529-4922
Executive Director, Community Planning and Development: Jason Carlston (306) 777-7545
Interactive Communications Manager: Taron Cochrane (306) 777-7926
Manager, Regina Revitalization Initiative, Corporate Services Division: Rod Schmidt (306) 777-7879 Cell: (306) 537-0185
Access to Information and Privacy Coordinator, Office of the City Clerk: Darlene Loucks (306) 777-7070
Coordinator - Business Projects, Office of the City Clerk: Shelley Powell (306) 777-6716 Cell (306) 527-1163
Branding Manager, Communications Branch: Nathan  Morrison (306) 777-6971 Cell (306) 550-5408



  1. Good work Chad, by you publishing the mayors number you forced them to update the city of Regina's website so it looks like you were full of crap about them hiding it. One small step at a time

  2. Thank you for the comment. As much as I'd like to take credit for that, I do believe the Mayor's phone number had always been on the website. I could be wrong, though. But, the others above most certainly have not been.
